Monday, June 8, 2015

What are your favorite vacation spots, activities, & summer places?

I can't believe it's the second week of June already. It always does this, summer just flies by, like the rest of the year. I'm sure school supplies will be in full swing...NEXT WEEK in all the big box stores!

I thought it would be fun to share some favorites of mine this month during this month-long birthday blowout celebration!

I recently shared some experiences of mine in Ogunquit, Maine. It is my favorite vacation destination! I wish I could spend more than a week there every year. It is amazing!

However, that is only one week during the year. I do plenty more in the summers. I mostly stay home and tutor, but I do plan a few fun activities for me and my family!

One thing we like to do is hang out in our yard and swim in our little pool. Ok, it's really a kiddie pool, but hey, when it's hot out, and you want to cool off, you'll do whatever you can to get your feet in some cool water!

We always visit my mom in Mississippi. My son and I usually go, because my husband has to work. (He's not a teacher and doesn't get the summer "off" like I do!)

I think the best thing about summer is just relaxing and taking time to spend with my family. Just this past weekend, we went to Nashville for the Nashville Teacher/Blogger Meet-up.

My sweet husband drove us down with my amazing son in the back seat. They dropped me off to party with a few other passionate teacher/blogger/sellers and they went to eat lunch. They had some fun at the Lane Auto Museum, and then we drove home. We watched American Pharoah win the Belmont Stakes and become a Triple Crown winner - the first in 37 years!

On Sunday, we went to an off-road truck show (my husband's favorite hobby). Then we went exploring for new places or just fun places to eat in town. We didn't find anything better than our nearby Buffalo Wild Wings. We had fried pickles and watched the U of L baseball game. They were winning 6-1 when we left. Later in the day, we swam in that little kiddie pool I mentioned earlier. It was just an amazing, low-key, and fun weekend!

If you want to have a little fun this summer, you can enter my giveaway for this week. You can win some amazing summer products from some amazing teachers. Check out my original blog post with all the details here.

Here is the Week 2 giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

AND... my HUGE Birthday Blowout prize pack is still going on! You have 3 days left to win one of these amazing prizes!

There will be 4 winners! Enter here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

That's what I love about summer - I hope every weekend is just like the past one! :) And, I am so happy to continue collaborating, sharing, and supporting other teachers! Thanks for stopping by!

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