Sunday, June 14, 2015

Top 3 Favorite Holidays in the Classroom

It's the THIRD week of June already! I keep saying it, but where does the time go?

During this third week of my month-long Birthday Blowout celebration, I'd like to share a little more about myself! This week, I want to share about my top 3 favorite holidays at home and school.

1. CHRISTMAS - I'm sure this one is at the top (or close to it) for many of you! What an exciting time of year! When you teach kids - and I don't care if they are 2 or 20, they LOVE Christmas. It's a magical time of year. When you are old enough and have kids (or just teach them), your excitement turns to a more adult form of magic, but it's still a happy and joyful occasion!

2. HALLOWEEN - Again, it's like watching a bit of magic with the students! I have taught middle school kids in literacy the past 5 years and I love finding ways to incorporate dressing up for Halloween into our lessons/units. I usually do something with vocabulary projects. I will either have students dress up as their favorite book character or dress up as a character in a descriptive way with their vocabulary words. For example, if a student wanted to dress up as Freddy Krueger, he could use the words "gruesome" or "hideous". We usually do some type of descriptive writing activity to go with these fun activities. Gotta keep it academic!

3. VALENTINE'S DAY - This is the easiest holiday to incorporate character education in class. It's disguised as Valentines and "love" letters from classmates. It's just a feel-good holiday all about giving and showing others that you care. What's better than that?

I would love to hear what your favorite holidays are in the classroom. You can link up at the end of this post!

I would also love to have you join me in celebrating Week 3 of my Birthday Blowout month by entering this week's giveaway. If you hadn't guessed by now, the prize pack is seasonal/holiday products!

There are some great products for every single season in this prize pack. Just think, if you win it, how much you would have ready for the upcoming school year?!?! Awesome!

Here's a look at the sellers who are participating!

Take a look at some of the products we are giving away!!!!

One lucky winner will get all of this and more! Yay!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don't forget to link up with your 3 favorite holidays. I'm sure some of these sellers will be blogging this week about their favorite holidays too! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh, my! It is hard to choose just 3, but I will try.

    My 3 favorite holidays to celebrate in the classroom:

    1. Christmas
    2. Halloween
    3. Easter

    We were the Pink Pigs Kindergarten Class. We loved to celebrate National Pig Day on March 1. :-)

  2. Hi Ashley - when is your add link going live? Have my post all ready :) I love celebrating Christmas - it's my favorite too!!!
