Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sunday Scoop, May 17, 2015 + a Little of my Week

So, we have 9.5 days left, but who's counting? I'm putting all of the finishing touches on my end of the year lesson plans. We have 8th grade graduation this week, for which I help all of the 8th graders do their graduation speeches. My in-laws are coming for Memorial Day weekend. It's truly the countdown to SUMMER!
Here are a few pictures of what I did this last week - a little end of the year fun (tic-tac-toe tournament,

My primary technology class did a bubble gum fraction craftivity from Michelle Hudgeons. You can find it here. I gave them all bubble gum and planned on seeing how many bubbles they could blow. was a big fat ZERO. I didn't want all of them to write "I blew 0/5 bubbles!" :(
Sooooo, I changed the writing prompt to say, "If I could blow a bubble, ..." and they had a blast with that! Since it was technology class, I had the kids write a sentence and draw a picture to go with their writing prompt on TuxPaint! Writing/typing practice? Check! Creative writing response? Check! Technology usage/practice? Check! That's my main goal with my (spec ed) technology students, to get them used to navigating their way around the computer and the internet, and to introduce them to typing in a way that doesn't frustrate them!

Plus, we had our own version of American Idol this week. We call it Summit Idol (I know-very clever, since our school is Summit Academy!). Anyway, it's a big to-do at our school, singing and more talents! The kids love it. We even had a second grader perform a comedy sketch! So brave and amazing!!!!

As I mentioned earlier, I am counting down to summer. So, if that's the case, that means my birthday is very close. Since I turned 30, I stopped getting excited about celebrating my birthday, ...until this year! I am doing a HUGE month-long birthday celebration. I'd much rather focus on giving to others rather than focus on how old I'm getting! :)
If you want to join in on the fun, here's the link to sign up!

 All of the fun will start on May 31st! Get ready!!!

But first, it IS Sunday and it's time for the Sunday Scoop with Teaching Trio!

I think most of those items speak for themselves! What are some of your favorite shows?Are there any summer shows you're looking forward to??? With all of the announcements of returning and cancelled shows for the fall, I'm interested to hear what shows you all cannot live without!

Also, don't forget to link up with Teaching Trio for the Sunday Scoop!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ashley,
    I found you through The Teaching Trio's Sunday Scoop linky party. Like you, I have lots of laundry to finish up. It's been never ending with a three month old! I'm constantly watching cooking shows like Cupcake Wars, Top Chef and Chopped. What's funny is I don't cook! I guess I just like watching other people cook. Ha! Happy early birthday and have a great summer!
    Antoinette :)
