Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sunday Scoop 2/22/15

I'm linking up with Teaching Trio for The SUNDAY SCOOP!

We missed four days of school last week due to the snow and frigid temps. We had a conference prep day scheduled on Friday, so even though school wasn't closed that day, we didn't have students at school. We have conferences coming up this week, so it gave me a LOT of time to finish up my report cards and grades. I also cut out a LOT of crafts and activities for all of my classes for the next few weeks. So while everyone (it seems) hated the winter weather this past week, it's been GREAT for me! I feel rested and rejuvenated. I got a lot of errands run last week. (The roads weren't too bad in the afternoons.) So with all that, it feels like we actually got a winter break, which is something we don't get at our school. I have to admit, I liked it a lot! On the other hand, my two-year old son has been home a lot more than he usually is and our house shows it!

I even finished two of my recent products for TPT if you want to check them out:
(Click on the pictures below)

Have a great week! 


  1. This is my first time at your blog and I see we have a lot in common! I also have a 2 year old running around and I love teaching technology and literacy. BUT in my house we are New York Rangers fans all the way!!
    Your new products look great! Hope you have a great week :)
    - Stacie
    Smocus Smocus
