Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A Christmas Potpourri Post and a Sale!

Well, it's Christmas Eve and it's 6:55 am when I started typing this post. I just can't sleep. I wish I could say it was from Christmas excitement, like when you're a little kid, but it's more of a boring grown-up "mind spinning, thoughts running around in the head like crazy" kind of non-sleep. Anyway, I was thinking that since it's Christmas Eve, I would put all of my Christmas products on sale in my TPT store for 50% off. I know our teacher holiday season is over, but hey, you can stock up for next year. (That's what we do at Target after Christmas, right? Who's ready to stock up on all that cuteness at 50% off????)

Here's a quick glance at my seasonal products. (Click on the pictures to take you to that page!)
"Elf" Movie Task Cards + Bonus Internet Craftivity

A Season for "Merry-Mint"- Christmas Reward Activities

***Here are some pictures of my class in action with some of these activities we did from my  "A Season for Merry-Mint" packet:
(singing carols to our administrators)
You can get the elf hats here. Thanks, Laura Boriack - Over the 1st Grade Rainbow  

(our head of school read them a Christmas story - The Gingerbread Pirates, so cute!)

(we read Christmas stories with a few younger students in the school)

(our last item was a Christmas party, of course!)

***I had originally planned to do a Secret Santa week gift exchange with another class. However, the week before we planned this, the other teacher got a new student in her class and our student numbers weren't even anymore. This is why I don't plan things in advance! I had to come up with an alternate plan at the last minute, and a HUGE thank you goes to Farley over at Oh Boy Fourth Grade for saving my life with the idea of a stocking stuffer party!!!! My kids loved it. They acted like it was Christmas morning!!!!

Creative Thinking - 12 Fun Christmas List Activities

The Stockings Were Hung - Fiction & Nonfiction Text Summar

I'm also going to put the rest of my store on sale as well. Might I make a recommendation? My "Frozen Movie Task Cards" was a popular item this month! You KNOW those kids will be watching it all Christmas break...why not use those as a "reintroduce students back to the real world slowly" activities? You're meeting them where they are (hopped up on sugar, tired from playing and lack of a schedule) and they are reading and showing their comprehension all at the same time. I like when they are learning and don't know it!

Frozen Movie Fast Facts Task Cards

Merry Christmas to all of you! Have a restful break and recharge for the new year! :)

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