Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Organizing with a "Fantastic Library"

Do you have a classroom library that is difficult to keep organized? Do you find it difficult to keep up with all of the books you have? That has been my problem lately, not to mention that I can't fit all of my books in my classroom. Most are in my basement, and it was a mess!!!...until....

I found a new app  - it's called "Fantastic Library."

It's awesome. I have about 3,000 books in my basement and they were EVERYWHERE. I started organizing them based on categories and genres. Then I had to organize somewhat based on the size of each stack that I had. I didn't want to use GIGANTIC clear storage containers. So some of my containers have a somewhat random "mishmash" of books. Therefore, I decided to create a database of all my books. THEN, I found this app, and it's even better! Once you download it, you just start scanning the barcodes of each book with the app. It takes a "picture" and leaves it on your bookshelf in the app.
How convenient!
I'll still need to make a list of which bin each book is in, but it's nice to have a picture list of my books. From what I found out of all my books, I have quite a few with the same title, but very different books, especially non-fiction.
The app will also help you keep up with the books you loan to others.
It even does this with with games, music, and movies! (But this post is more about educational uses for the app!)

There's even a quick "scroll view" - similar to album views in iTunes.

I can't remember who told me about the app or where I read about it. Whomever suggested it, thank you! I hope others who read this will be pleased with how it helps you organize your own libraries! :)

P.S. It's a FREE app!